The Extended Family
We are a handcrafted log home company that’s had the privilege of building homes all over the world for families and companies from all walks of life. Exceeding the expectations of the client has been rewarding to our family time after time. Our clients have a desire to own a handcrafted log home, but sometimes we meet clients who’s desire becomes a passion. This passion is what bonds us together as a family network of service personnel all over the world. Please feel free to contact us direct anytime, but you are more than welcome to contact one of our service personnel as well.
Australian Partners - Alpine Log & Timber Homes
Louis van der Heyden and Brad Reeve (Alpine Log & Timber Homes) (Australia and New Zealand)
Just recently during the past week we have made the major announcement of the Trans Pacific Partnership between Alpine Log & Timber Homes (Aust) and Log Homes Canada, we have been overwhelmed with the interest in this venture to provide to Australian and New Zealand clients handcrafted log homes built with the finest log the world, Western Red Cedar and combined with traditional Canadian craftsmanship and quality. Alpine Log & Timber Homes (Aust) has been building handcrafted log homes through our Australia for the past 21 years, the Partnership with Log Homes Canada is a significant and landmark event that will change the dynamic of log home construction in Australia with the availability of Western Red Cedar log homes at competitive pricing to local log home production.
Please feel free to contact ALTH direct at: AlpineLogAndTimber.com.au
or on 0459 174 022
Brad & Kristine - General Managers of Sales and Marketing for U.S.A.
Brad & Kristine have been actively involved, fulltime, in the handcrafted log home industry for over 13 years and are the proud owners of a handcrafted log home.
With all their knowledge and experience, we are proud to have them involved as General Managers of Sales & Marketing for U.S.A. operations and part of Log Homes Canada extended family, providing the highest quality handcrafted log homes and service to our future clients.
They display at Log Home Shows across the United States and specialize in assisting their clients from beginning to end in creating their handcrafted dream home.
They have a beautiful personal show home. They live the log home lifestyle – every day. It’s not their job, it’s their passion! Feel free to contact them for an appointment to visit their home or other homes across the country. They look forward to assisting you in your handcrafted log home quest.
Toll-free 866-267-4229
Ron and Travis Coleman (Georgia, USA)
Coleman Log Homes chose to work with Log Homes Canada back in 2004 on their own personal residence. Since that time we have worked closely together on projects in Georgia, Missouri, Tennessee and North Carolina. Coleman Log Homes had been building extensively for many years prior in Florida before establishing itself as the premier custom home builder in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Their attention to detail, quality and the customers budget is what sets them apart from so many others. To attest to their commitment to Log Homes Canada and to their clients we have named many floor plans after them : Loyalty, Integrity, Faithful, Serenity and Bonds of Friendship.
Please if you’re in the Atlanta area and want to talk log homes feel free to contact Ron. 1-706-455-3413