Hand cut, Hand peeled, Hand fit, this is real handcrafted log home construction.
Our log homes are found across Canada and in dozens of States including Washington, Idaho, California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, and Maine. We make buying a high quality log home easy and are with you every step of the way, from Plan to completion. We ship directly to the USA, to Europe and many locations around the world.
3 Styles of Log Homes
This video is a great review of what the three different log home styles. The three main styles are full log, hybrid and post and beam. Each has it’s own unique characteristics and value. Find out which one suits your style.
Contact us today if you have any questions.
Colin & Crew Installing a New Log Home
This video is a great illustration of what it takes to build a custom log home with the crew from Log Homes Canada. The customer was thrilled with the final project and so were we! Four truck loads, huge cedar logs and one amazing finished log home.
Hand crafted log homes, they are more affordable than you think!
Contact us today if you have any questions or if you would like to see a quote.
Contact us today if you have any questions.
The Process
This video demonstrates the process of building a log home with us. You will likely have lots of questions, and that’s a good thing. Please contact us and we will be happy to respond. Our log homes provide a wonderful place to live
Contact us today if you have any questions.
The Day the Logs Go Up
The video showcases a typical log home set. Once a log home is finished being crafted at our log yard here in BC, we ship the home to clients site (worldwide). Then we follow up with personally helping set the log home up a long side the contractor. This log home re stack video shows Colin & Shane from the time they leave home till the final walk through with the clients. Exceeding expectations is our goal each time.
Watch our SHOWCASE LOG HOME being built from start to finish:
Living in a strong, cozy, and beautifully handcrafted log home is a dream for many who yearn for something better. A better place to raise a family or create a get-away closer to nature. A natural place to really be able to unwind, enjoy the fruits of one’s labour and enjoy a simpler life. So it was also for our own Shane Kutzer (our service manager) and family, whose new home (Plan B1, “Feels Like Home”) is now being constructed and will be shared here as a HOW-TO example, right here before your eyes.
The following photos will show the progression of Shane’s new log home from the earliest raw location views, to full completion. Over time, we will expand this area to make it a more comprehensive customer resource, showing best practices and offering the easy time saving solutions you need to know about during your building process. We look forward to answering your questions and offering timely guidance, each step along your projects journey.